Manipulate Roulette in Four Different Ways

Gambling is mathematical. Placing bets relies on percentages and probability, thus producing up to a 50 percent winning chance for each player. The notion that ultimately boils down to an “I either win, or I lose” sort of mindset draws many people to the games of gambling. Each game requires an array of gimmicks that significantly increase the player's chances of winning. Sleight of hand and card counting with live casino games like blackjack, Texas Hold'em, and five-card. Whereas a game like Roulette would require more illusion, engineering, and financial stability before attempting to cheat the Roulette table simply because Roulette is a truly random game. I mean that there is hardly any way a player could cheat the game, but that doesn't mean it is entirely impossible. There are four different ways that players use which allow them to put the odds in their favor.

Good Ol' Fashioned Magic Tricks
Illusions such as the sleight of the hand allow the player to deceive through manipulation and misdirection. Before using “Dolly,” the croupier uses to deter cheaters, sleight-of-hand illusionists would sneak their bet onto the winning number just before it is called. However, since the crackdown on using a sleight of hand, most players focus their attention on the outside bets. Sleight-of-hand users will also use a method known as the Chip Cup Scam. This method involves working directly with the croupier. When the croupier and the player exchange money, the croupier gives the player one-hundred-dollar chips versus the five-dollar chips.
Computers, Of Course
Then, there is the digital way to cheat using Roulette computers. The use of roulette computers is possibly the most significant problem that most casinos face regarding cheating at their roulette tables. However, amongst the cheating community, roulette computers have a mixed review. Half of those who have used them say they are ineffective, while others swear by them. So, how do they work? Each computer is set up differently than the next, which is part of the reason why they are so difficult to understand how they function fully. Nonetheless, the basic premise of their mechanics is relatively simple. A roulette computer has three main components: the tracker, the calculator, and the earpiece.
The tracker records the data detected from the wheel; this can happen via manual input or electrical scanning. Once the tracker gathers the data, it then monitors the speed of the wheel and the location of the ball. The calculator does precisely what you think it does. It is almost always a stand-alone device, and what it does is perform complicated calculations to predict which number the ball will land on closely. The user will wear an earpiece because the computer will play an audio file containing the number the ball will land on.
Taking Advantage
The third type of cheating involves biased wheels and advantage play. This means that players will research commonly malfunctioning roulette tables and then exploit how the game is operated. These players will only bet on specific numbers because wheels cannot be built 100 percent perfectly. Each wheel will always favor specific numbers over others, simply from human imperfection during its manufacturing.
A Little Engineering Ingenuity
The final type of roulette cheating involves getting a bit crafty. Some roulette players out there create devices that allow them to control the outcome of the game better. The most commonly used method is the use of magnets. This trick requires sleight-of-hand skills and a healthy dose of determination. Players will quickly and stealthily grab the ball and place a tiny magnet on it, and then control the magnet remotely under the table. This was also frequently done within corrupt casinos to rig their games.
Cheating in roulette is an art that has to be perfect. Roulette is probably the most complex game to cheat at, but if someone were to pick a method and master it, one could be considered the best roulette player in the world.
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