Living the Dream of Working Full-time Playing Poker

A friend wanted to commit to playing poker for a living and was so convinced of this goal he didn’t want anyone to convince him otherwise. His father told him that this was a fantastic, fun idea, but before he started this journey, he did some research first, and he did.

Don't Be Discouraged, and Learn the Sweet Facts
Many people, especially casino gamblers, fantasise of playing poker professionally. Before playing poker full-time, you need patience and discipline. Hours of screen time will drive anyone insane. Players often don't get any cards, and their luck varies. This shouldn't dissuade anyone who wants to pursue this goal because it's not online casino gambling.
Advantages of Playing Poker for a Living
This occupation has several benefits, like selecting work hours and deciding when to play. One full-time player took as many days off as he wanted in a month without being fired or reprimanded. What a treat! Poker is one of the most lucrative games since participants get paid to play. Wild swings are inevitable, but any player may succeed with discipline and determination.
Disadvantages of Playing Poker for a Living
Here are the not-so-fun parts of playing poker for a living; they are known as disadvantages. The three common cons of this dream job are the following, no set income, mental exhaustion, and less time spent with family. It is standard with new players, especially when starting, going the first few months with experiencing a loss in total earnings. A simple solution is to learn to cope with this and build a source of confidence in winning eventually.
It is a grind for sure, which will cause mental exhaustion. Most new players will have to find it within themselves and tough it out, so they can pay their bills and put food on their tables. Now, if a player doesn’t have a big family, they will not have to worry about spending less time with them. Playing poker for money full-time is a grind and will cause a player to spend most of their time alone.
Playing poker for a living is an exhilarating adventure, but it is crucial to understand the pros and cons and not be discouraged by the disadvantages. Dream BIG and follow them because life is a gamble.
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